ruinga tox
Hi lovely YUKIKO Team,
my name is Inga-Marie Ruxton and for a long time I have been a secret fan of your work :D
So I will take the Chance, that you are looking for a new intern, and apply hereby.
I studied Design with the Focus on Illustration at the University of Applied Sciences in Münster. Back then I was not so interested in graphic design, because I think a lot of things that we were taught at the university, was super boring. At the same time, I was tutor from the street art course for two semesters and was very involved with this stuff. This was super nice because we traveled through the whole “Ruhrgebiet “ area to find nice and/or abandoned places to do our artworks.
But nevertheless, since I graduated I discover all the cool and endless things you can do in graphic design field so I’m getting more and more inspired now.
I would love to learn more about typography. Even though I learned it a bit, I think there is a lot more to discover and learn. Also, I started doing face filter for Instagram and I realized, that I actually love to work with design Programmes (I never thought I would) so it would be fantastic for me,
to also learn more about 3D or animated Design.
What I can bring to the studio is my passion of being super curious for new challenges and I’m not scared to try out things that are not common. Also I would consider myself as an “Idea” machine :D - I have more ideas for projects, than time in my life. Besides that I’m super friendly of course, able to work in a team, and under pressure, which you would need for tight deadlines of course.
Here you can see some of my work. I hope you enjoy it and of course I hope you will reach out to me with good news, that I will be your new intern ;)
Lots of love from Moabit.